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Tuesday, 5 March 2013



I am going to be checking your work on ICT so please place the two activities (Keynote and CNY poster if I am not wrong) into our (S107) server file by THURSDAY. I will start the checking tomorrow (WEDNESDAY). The ringtone that we are supposed to do on GarageBand is also supposed to be in by THURSDAY. So get started on the stuff you haven't done, no worries about the National Anthem thing through, its due by April. However you shouldn't forget to get the video/movie ready by then(:

P.S. Don't worry I won't look through all in detail. Just make sure is correct assignment and your name is there.

Pei Ling(:


  1. can someone please tell me what is the ringtone suppose to be???

    1. You're supposed to use GarageBand (iPhone Ringtone) to create the 20sec song. It can be a mix of songs, instruments, or built-in songs in your LD.


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