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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Class Decoration competition

Dear classmates,

on the upcoming class competition, I hope everyone posts up a short write up on how our class should be decorated. This write up should be about 50-100 words long and contain ideas relevant to our class. for example:
> The class name
> The class rules
> Other decorative ideas
> Names of everyone in the class

If your are creative enough, your can also use a drawing on your MacBook or draw on paper. This will let us have a warm-up on the class decorations.

Also let this be a warning to all of you. Do not put your name as anonymous. we will instantly remove that post and its contents will not be recognised in the class.

Cheers (hh),
Colin And Peiling


  1. Since we are encouraged to use recycled materials, we can crush a piece of newspaper in a long 'tube', paint it the colours we want and dry it, and then shape it into a letter. We can use this to make our class names. And maybe for the subject noticeboards, we can decorate it according to the subject. Eg. Numbers for maths and DNA for science.

    1. i like your idea but i think newspapers are a bit to flimsy, perhaps cardboard should do.

    2. Because Colin alr replied, i think we need to decide on a class name... We should start having people suggesting some soon.

  2. 1) maybe its better if we settle on a name for the class first... We were named Laika for the orientation but then it got changed to Queendom with the reason it sounds nice. ._.
    2) For the names of everyone in the class, cutting the letters from coloured paper or whatever and maybe attaching a pic to put as the class committee or whatever. EG: Pei Ling *photo* -> Chairman
    3) Rules can be put up at the notice boards in front. format: mindmap...?

    And try not to make the items hard to attach on the notice boards. thanks :3

    1. thats a great idea. me and pl will note it down

    2. Queendom sounds good xD but sounds like for Girl Domination . Maybe we shd like come up with a name that fits the class? And the notice boards... Pins should do.. I have lots of them ._.

  3. Because we were STRONGLY encouraged to use recycled materials, we can get those who are not very good in art to collect the recycled materials put a deadline on the blog for the collection for the materials, whilst those who are good at art can decorate the classroom. This is my idea, lame or not. :P

    1. thats great walter but maybe we should limit what we collect and not like get a mountain of news paper and a small amount of cardboard...
      anyway it will be noted. thx

    2. Definitely not lame. Understood what u were saying. We can give out the jobs once we roughly finish the names, Code of Conduct and motto i think

  4. sorry forgot punctuation i meant to let those who are not good at art get the materials and put a deadline on the blog for the collection of the materials

  5. have you identified the anonymous

    1. no, but we do not hope for such things to happen
      i don think we should go aft them. its the first time, well give them a chance

    2. Unfortunately, no... But i hope no more anons will appear again...


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