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Thursday, 31 January 2013

any extra homework for me?

Todays homework:
1.S&W Refer to blog
2.Sci WS
3.ADMT wordle and MoodBoard
4.Complete Chinese textbook pg 22,23
5.complete hotseat keynote

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Homework for 30 January 2013 - Mathematics

On top of what Jer En has posted up,

Complete all the tasks posted in the Maths Blog (available since 1245h today).
These tasks include both classwork and homework.

Check email on Viva Voce submission status.

Today's homework
ADMT Wordle and mood board
English Hotsit
For Chinese:
Chinese WB exercise 1,Practice Words

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Homework:1.Sci WS 2.Refer to I and E blog 3.Do a brochure etc. on Chinese new year

Monday, 28 January 2013

Todays homework

S&w blog (write about what you learned today Sci HW(selected questions) And sci pg 12 and 13

Sunday, 27 January 2013

homework for Kevyn

home work to pass up on monday 1. Viva Voce 2.Science mind map on nutrition (refer to 3Chinese WS 4.ADMT refer to edmodo 5.Complete Math WB Pages 16 to 20 6.New time table for next week (refer to school blog) Please add at the comments if there are any missing homework

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Hey Ppl! Sry for not helping out with the class decos. Can someone (probably jer en) help me summarize the total amount of homework needed to be done and handed in by monday? Tks!

Friday, 25 January 2013

Hi guys

So are we done with the class deco? Comments please...

Pls help

Hi guys may I know what is the link for the walwisher for the science homework?
Sorry for being late. The Homework for this weekend is the ADMT sketching,Viva voce,Math booklet pages 17 to 20 and Science Mind Map

Class Decoration (Potted Plants)

Dear classmates,

the class decorations are underway and its progress is wonderful. The cupboards at the side are empty, so we want to place REAL plants at the plants. To make the pots we would like people to make boxes. Then we would use plastic bags to hold the soil and water. Please make boxes like this:
What is the homework for the weekend?

May I know what's the homework today?

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Classroom Decoration

Hi guys. This is very late but this could be possible. So, the words S1-07 will be in the middle(as usual), and ppl will sign all over the drawing block(except on the words itself) and write something that they like about S1-07. EG: I think S1-07 is very awesome...
I will paint the words and show it to you guys.
Pls comment if you do not like the idea but pls be kind and like it as I am seriously running out of ideas.

Viva Voce must pass up by Sunday night

Time table change

Guys remember to check out the changed timetable in the students blog.The timetable will only last from 28 January to 1 Feb
Remember to post your interview with friend for ADMT on edmodo
Todays Homework:Science mind map
                                  ADMT refer to edmodo

Class Decoration

Hi people,
  This is what I came up with:
The words S1-07 will be in the center of the drawing block, and the words will be surrounded by stuff that we like. 
 Pls state in the comments what you like. If you don't want this idea pls state in comments. Thanks

Make a mind map on digestion

Wednesday, 23 January 2013



For the science part of the notice board, we have decided to make a DNA structure using string and yakult straws.

So we are in need of yakult straws. IF YOU HAVE PLS BRING PLEASE!

Okay byebye~
Seraphina :D
Today's homework:
ADMT texture and meanings of colour

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

tamil hw

sorry guys for posting the post late but remember to do the vanguard sheet hw about our beautiful land, Singapore, and it is due by chinese new year 8 february and ppl who have not practiced the speech pls practice as soon as possible.TKS and sorry again


Hi ppl ~ (:

Pei Ling and I have decided that we should at least start bringing in recycled materials.
- Newspaper
- Plastic bottles (ONLY in the picture below)
- Coloured paper (If you have and want to contribute [Pls do!!!])
- Decorative items (If you have and want to contribute [Pls do!!!])
- Sand paper/ Filters (If you have and want to contribute [Pls do!!!])

Stuff to bring when we're decorating:
- Scissors
- Glue
- Scorch-tape
- Double-sided tape
- Paint
- Paintbrushes
- Palettes
- Permanent markers
(Basically stuff that you need for art, but if you have those above, DO BRING IT)

This type of water bottles (The ones with the curly pattern at the side)

~ Byebye ~ 
~ Sera ~ 

Discussion: Classroom Decoration

Hello people,

So this is a post for discussion on the decoration for the class.

So far, the girls have been assigned the role as to design the classroom's interior while the guys are supposed to source for the necessary recycled items. As of 4:11pm, right now, the girls and I are doing up the classroom design already. The design should be done soon. (IDK when is soon) Then, we will list down the stuff we need and if we can, we will post the pictures we draw, and give you guys a rough idea of what we are doing.

The contributions we need to give Bhakti the money we need for the Class Fund which would go to buying the decorations and materials. However, I'm not sure if we need to buy anything though. We are trying to use ONLY recycled materials for our design. Further info will be provided when we confirm our designs.

Any doubts please ask in the comments below~!


Remember to bring your english diagnostic test tomorrow
This are the homework for today:
Math:Green booklet pg 16 to 20
         Complete wallwisher
English:sign diagnostic test
Chinese: WS and spelling (on Fri)
             Prestudy Chinese lesson no.2
              finish pg15
ICT:create American account

Monday, 21 January 2013

Peformance task

What is the performance task?

Amendment to Announcement Posted on 17/01/13

Hi ladies and gentlemen,

Please read the amendment to my previous announcement below:

If anyone is intending to travel ahead of an actual school holiday, his parent / guardian must write a letter addressed to the principal. This is to seek approval for the same before making any attendant arrangements. This letter must be handed in to me first. I will make sure it reaches the principal. Please inform your parents / guardians.


Miss Esha


This are the home work
1.math corrections
2.Math HWK2a(Just Try)
3.ICT video

Making a friend in SST: Purpose- to have someone to talk to Audience-A friend Context: I went to the hall for assembly and I made a friend Dialogue: Hi I'm Sandeep Nice to meet you Disagreeing with a teacher: Purpose: To show that you don't approve of something Audience: the teacher Context: I was asking teacher not to change our current seats. Dialogue: Miss Esha, I don't think we should change our seats because... Asking a stranger for directions: Purpose:To ask for directions Audience:The stranger Context: I was on the road when I saw the stranger and I asked him for directions. Dialogue:Um excuse me, Could you tell me the directions to the....... Praising someone's work: Purpose: To praise and encourage someone Audience: the person whom you are praising Context:I saw someone's drawing on planes and I praised his work. Dialogue:Wow, what a very good drawing....

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Classroom Decoration II

Dear classmates,

Those who commented have given u wonderful ideas. Now, as your come out with ideas, we want to start a class material gathering. Now we need you all to collect recycled materials. Now materials we need most are cardboard. Please regiester these materials with out treasurer and place them in the cupboards. Anyone with any doubts pls leave it in the comments section.

Cheers hh,
Colin and Peiling
Sorry, its page 12 to 16 for math

Class Decoration competition

Dear classmates,

on the upcoming class competition, I hope everyone posts up a short write up on how our class should be decorated. This write up should be about 50-100 words long and contain ideas relevant to our class. for example:
> The class name
> The class rules
> Other decorative ideas
> Names of everyone in the class

If your are creative enough, your can also use a drawing on your MacBook or draw on paper. This will let us have a warm-up on the class decorations.

Also let this be a warning to all of you. Do not put your name as anonymous. we will instantly remove that post and its contents will not be recognised in the class.

Cheers (hh),
Colin And Peiling

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Can someone change the colour of the 'reply to comments' section? It is very glaring and the white background and slightly darker white colour of the words is straining for the eyes.

Friday, 18 January 2013

this are the homework for today
Math WB page 12 and HWK 1c
refer to my post on yesterdays homework for the rest of the work


what is the hw for today?

Class Rules Ideas

Dear classmates,
Please give us ideas on the class rules by commenting on this post
Everyone should give their ideas by Saturday11.59 so that Colin and Pei Ling can have Sunday to compile all your ideas
Yours Sincerely,
Jer En, Colin and Pei Ling

Classroom Decoration Competition

SST Classrooms Decoration Competition 2013

There will be an Classrooms Decoration Competition coming up. This

Each class Exco members will lead the class in this project. Students need to submit a short write-up (less than 100 words) to explain to the judges how the class decoration is related to their class mission, goals and code of conduct.

Guidelines to adhere to:
·      Students are encouraged to use recycled materials. There will be no reimbursement of expenses incurred.
·      Safety of the classroom should not be compromised.
·      The decoration should be done in a tasteful manner i.e. there should be no offensive language, symbols or pictures used.
·      Painting of the classroom is not allowed.
·      Please take care of the equipment provided by the school. Cost of any damage done to any school property will be borne by the class.
·      Areas to note:
o   Notice-boards need to be allocated for different subjects and announcements. Eg. Duty roster.
o   Classroom must be clean and neat.
o   The locker area is clean and free from clutter.
o   Class mission, goals and code of conduct are clearly displayed.
o   The items in the class cupboards are neatly arranged.
o   Class Seating Plan is prominently displayed at the teacher’s table.

The competition will assess students on the following:
·      Class Theme reflects their mission, goals and code of conduct. (30%)
·      Overall presentation and use of space inside the classroom (30%)
·      Creativity (10%)
·      Effort (10%)
·      Classroom cleanliness (10%)
·      Use of recycled material (10%)

Judging will take place on 28 Jan 2013 from 3 p.m. onwards.
Prizes will be given out for each respective level

Acknowledgement Forms

Dear all,
Please remember to pass up the acknowledgement for parents and the stuff about examinations on Monday.

aknowledgement forms

remember to pass up the letter of acknowledgement slip for parents and  the stuff on examination  by next week

Thursday, 17 January 2013


Dear ladies and gentlemen,

1. Tomorrow is the last day for submitting your report books. We will collect all pending report books at the end of the day and carry them over to the General Office.

2. If anyone is intending to travel ahead of an actual school holiday, his parent / guardian must seek approval from the principal (via email) before making any attendant arrangements. Please inform your parents.

3. Please submit to me the 2013 Assessment Plan acknowledgement slips (signed by your parents) tomorrow.


Miss Esha

homework for today

Remember to pass up this homework by tomorrow:
1.Math homework 1c
2. Science corrections
After this weekend
1.I&E Homework,(visit the I&E blog for more info
2.Amind map on English pacc
3.ADMT worksheet and sketch

Bring Report Book

For those who have not handed in their report books, remember to bring your report book tomorrow(18-1-13).

Message dissemination from Ms Esha

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Dear classmates ,
this are the homework
1.ADMT shading work sheet
2.HWK1b for math
3.Tier B and C for math workbook
For Chinese Students:
Please complete page 9 of text book

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Class Website at Weebly

This is what the class website looks like!

tamil hw

The home work for tamil is making the speech to read on Tuesday and REMEMBER TO DO THE ESSAY WHICH IS DUE TOMORROW!tks
Dear classmates,
Remember to take a movie of yourself on Quicktime Player on what you learn during ICT lesson no.2
and upload it on Youtube
Dear classmates, this is the class goals. Please help to comment so that Coline,Pei Ling and I can improve on the mind map

This is the link to our class website. Ms Esha, I did not add your face as I was afraid you would disagree. If you disapprove, please email me and I will delete the site. Guys, (and gals) if y'all want to chip and and make our site a better one, please sign up for weebly and put your email in comments. I will add you as an author of this blog. If there are any problems, please contact me at 92953417.
Hoping for a rare reply,
Ravern Koh

Monday, 14 January 2013

Response to Ms Esha

Ms Esha, the credit does not go to me. It goes to Taufiq who changed the entire blog. I did minor edits only. So everyone pls thank TAUFIQ MOHD for his EXCELLENT JOB in modifying the school blog!
Hi ladies and gentlemen!

Let's thank Ravern for personalizing the class blog. Good job Ravern!

The blog really looks cool now.


Ms Esha

Math Homework

Dear classmates, Please complete math homework1b You only need to complete the HCF part of Q1 and Q2

IH homework

Dear classmates,
Please complete the E journal given by Mr Yeo

Sunday, 13 January 2013

This is the link to our class website. Ms Esha, I did not add your face as I was afraid you would disagree. If you disapprove, please email me and I will delete the site. Guys, (and gals) if y'all want to chip and and make our site a better one, please sign up for weebly and put your email in comments. I will add you as an author of this blog. If there are any problems, please contact me at 92953417.
Hoping for a rare reply,
Ravern Koh
Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Please bring your report books and EL files tomorrow.


Ms Esha

History and Geography

Discourse Features

 2.52-Ellipsis: Yup, just me
Reason: He did not have to say the full sentence.

4.13-Discourse marker: There are seats available on the Qantas airways flight but there is a three hour stop over in Singapore.
Reason: The lady is changing the subject from Qantas airways to the three hour stop over in Singapore.

4.51-Tags: They are three hours ahead, aren't they?
Reason: He is asking if the time is three hours ahead.

Done by: Vanshiqa and Bhakti

Discourse Features of Unplanned Spoken Language

Tags: London is very expensive , isn't it?
Reason: He is asking whether things in London is expensive .

Hedging: I think Bangkok is much better.
Reason: He is thinking whether London or Bangkok is better.

Discourse marker: So,which places do you like to visit.
Reason: He is trying to change the subject from whether he bought a guide book to where did he wanted to go.

Saturday, 12 January 2013


Dear S1-07,

Please bring your EL files (the blue one) and place it in the cupboard NEATLY by Monday. Please do remember to WRITE YOUR NAME also.

See ya!
Yan Pei Ling(:

Friday, 11 January 2013

why is it called queendom?

Weekend Homework

Dear classmates
 This are the weekend homework:

1.Science Cell Project
2.Cells Worksheet
3.English Spoken Language Project
4.Math Primes,HCFandLCM Worksheet
5.ADMT Diagnostic Test 2

Thursday, 10 January 2013

EL Extention homework

  • Back-channels - haha and uh-huh many times

  • Used to tell the speaker that the listener is listening

  • Fronting - What on earth are you doing?

  • Used to emphasis on the first few words

  • Binomails - goodness gracious 

  • They are fixed expressions in their orders and words cannot be changed

 Done by Siting and Victoria

English Project

Ellipis: That's my lunch!
simon knew that lewis would understand that the jaffa cakes were his to have for lunch
Discourse markers: I was at a party and i didn't want to lose it so i held it with an iron grip
simon did not want to go into detail about the party
Hedging: We might get it re-plated
lewis did not wish to talk about the golden joystick getting replated

Ellipsis - To make the sentences shorter
Backchannel - To show that the person is listening
Discourse markers - Shows the boundaries of speech

3 discourse feature by Nimalan and Taufiq


She first asked the spanish guy whether he was in mr brown's class.The guy asked 'i beg your pardon' in spanish.The principal asked again by omitting part of the sentence and he did the same thing.This happened again and again until she omitted it to one word which was 'Brown'

When the principal asked the Singh him, "U",he replied "yes,please"

She asked the Singh to tell Mr Brown that she would like to have word with him.The Singh mistook it for something else.She changed the emphasis to 'have a word with him' and placed it to the front by saying,"just say that i want to talk to Mr Brown"

EL Work

Mind your language Link Pls watch from 2.43 to 4.27
Ellipsis: "Mr. Warburton?"
Backchannel: "You're a man?" "Yes."
Hedging: "Academically perhaps,..."

Discourse features, ellipsis, back channel, hedging, discourse markers.
Discourse features, ellipsis, back channel, hedging, discourse markers.
They could have used the ellipsis, 'Actually, I am, instead of 'Actually, I am thick skinned', so that they could go straight to the point.
They used back channel, 'okay, okay' to acknowledge that the audience was listening to the speaker, in this case, the orange listening to the durian speaking.
They used hedging probably to prolong the orange and durian's conversation as the durian was trying to show off how strong he was.
They also used discourse markers to show the different things that they were talking about. In this case, they use the discourse marker 'another time'.

Done by: Walter Koh and Bryan Chang

Monday, 7 January 2013

What does history and geography mean to me


What I think about history and geography

What I think about history and geography

What I think about History and Geography

what I think about history and geographly


My Glogster

Proper embedation

My blog

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

About Myself

My awesome glog

About me :0

sst hw (hng anh's)

Glogster Hwk

glog about my personal profile :]

What we think about Collaborative skills

About Meh in glogster ©


ODSD Activity 1

Hello Cadets,

We apologize for the issues faced while using the SST email/googlesite.
We are in the midst of solving those issues and will let you know asap once those are solved.

Activity 1 will now be done as a homework, but will still be group work in your 10 teams.
So, do find a way to contact your fellow cadets. (by facebook, email, phone etc)

Task: Intel has just been informed that debris has been spotted around S.S.Technologica. Pictures have been taken but they are unable to decode where it is. Your job is to decode where the place is by annotating (or commenting) on the slide.

In your 10 teams, you will need to decode the location of 3 pictures. Please agree amongst your fellow cadets on which sets of pictures each team is taking. Please complete this activity by 8 Jan 2012, 8am.

The google document link is :
No sign-in is required. Please include your name in your comments.

In case you've forgotten about google drive, here it is:

Any questions, feel free to comment here or ask your officers.
Thank you very much.
Senior Officer Cherin


Reminders for Orientation

Hi Cadets,

Just in case you forget what is the packing list for the camp starting tomorrow, here it is:
(right click and click "open in new tab" to expand)

Attire for tomorrow: Own shirt + S&W shorts (or dark/black shorts)

Please be reminded to do your homework posted on the blog. To find the homework, search for the tag : ODSD 101. Any questions, do comment on this post or ask your officers tomorrow.

Thank you very much.

Confidence-1 of SST's 10Cs

What we think about communication skills

What We Think About Cross Cultural Understanding xD

Such a fail .-.


Task: Design a professional profile page on Glogster. An example (containing what should the profile have) is above. Embed the finished product onto your personal blog. Comment on this post with the link to your blog post.
Due: 2/1/2013 Wednesday 2359

ODSD 101 Reflection

Due: 2/1/2013 Wednesday 2359